
Daddy's Little Girl

There's few things that touch a Dad's heart like his daughter.

I'm fortunate enough to have both a son and a daughter, and don't get me wrong...I LOVE my son -- but a daughter touches a dad's heart in a way that can't be compared.

Last week our church had a Father/Daughter Dance and I had the honor of taking Brooke. We had a great time even though she fell asleep in the car on the way over!

In a world where women are willing to do almost anything to have a man's attention (just turn on your TV), it was so inspiring to see a completely packed event with fathers who cared so much about their daughters.

These types of relationships are sorely missing from our society, but fortunately can be found in abundance in the church.

Here's some pics of the event, including our Limbo contest winner: Ed Spearman!