
Do You "Get" Grace? - Romans 3b

The concept of grace is one I wrestled with for the first few years of being a Christian. I always felt like the topic was so vast and 'fuzzy' that it couldn't really be understood -- I just didn't 'get' it.

Maybe you feel the same way.

If so, listen to this lesson to finally understand grace.

WARNING: The stunning simplicity may shock you!

Do You "Get" Grace? - Romans 3b

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Biblical Mindset On Dating

Here's the lesson Leslie & I did together at the ACR Conference on dating.

This lesson is for any non-married Christian who is not currently steady dating.

We got tremendous feedback on it & if I were you, I'd skip right over the part where Leslie tells all about the blunders I made while we were dating! :-)

Biblical Mindset On Dating

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