
Christians On The Inside - Romans 3a

Does it matter if you look like a Christian on the outside, but really aren't one on the inside? The answer is obvious and Paul dealt with the same issue with the Jews who had become Christians in the church in Rome.

In this lesson we finish Romans 2 and begin Romans 3. Listen in on how you can deal with this issue in your own life.

Romans 3a

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New Series on Romans

You've spoken, & I've listened!

According to the poll I had set up here on this site, many of you said you'd like to have a series on the book of Romans. As challenging as it's been to study, research, and understand this letter - it's been an absolutely refreshing study!

Unfortunately, my digital recorder was on the blink during the first lesson, so that one's gone forever. But everything was in proper working order for this second lesson.

I pray that you are as encouraged by Paul's words to the Roman church as I have been.


Romans 2

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Baptisms at the ACR Conference!

This year's Conference was a HUGE success. Over 2,000 people attended the Sunday service at the Virginia Beach Convention Center.

...and it couldn't have ended any better. 5 souls were baptized into Christ. All 5 have amazing stories of God working in their lives. And if a picture is worth a 1,000 words, then how many words is a video worth? Check out these incredible baptisms...

Carmen Spearman has been studying the Bible with her sister Mercedes over the last couple of months. Mercedes has a great heart & was baptized this Sunday!

Allan Abeleda met a guy with a giant dog in the park not too long ago who really wanted to get his life right w/ God. James, and his wife Ashley ended up studying the Bible with zeal and eagerness to change. We were so excited to see them baptized into Christ on Sunday!

One of my good friends Dwaine Lett recently ended an engagement in order to be restored to the church. Because of his faithful decision making, his ex-fiance became his sister in Christ this weekend at the Conference!