
Do You Know What A Minister Does?

Today I had the chance to go to my son's Kindergarten class and tell the kids what I do.

It wasn't as easy as I thought it would be to explain ministry to 6 year olds.

When they found out, one of them said I didn't have a "real job"! What in the world?!

Anyway, check out the video because kids say the craziest things sometimes including "Jesus freed the elves" and "when people don't love, you have to use pepper spray".

The Jesus Dare!

Each Spring and Fall we hold an evangelistic campaign. Of course we're always evangelizing as disciples of Christ, but 2x/yr we get unified about our evangelistic efforts.

This Spring our campaign is titled "The Jesus Dare". If you've ever seen the movie "Fireproof" then you're familiar with the "Love Dare". Well, our campaign is similar in that each day in March there's a dare we're taking to be more like Jesus (you can sign up to get the dares here).

If you feel that your evangelism is weak, I "dare" you to join us in this campaign!

Back To School - Luke 5

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Obedience & God's Reward - John 14

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We only got to do 1/2 of the "Watch & Learn" lesson because one of the kids pulled the fire alarm!

Watch & Learn, Go & Try!

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Obedience & God's Reward - John 14

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Roxanne Carter Gets Baptized!

Roxanne Carter was recently baptized at one of our midweek services. It's so amazing to see families united in Christ.

Roxanne's daughter is a disciple in the NY Church and came to Virginia to baptize her mom!