
The Power of Christ's Sacrifice - Romans 5

Is sin holding you back or stunting your spiritual growth?

Christ's sacrifice may be more powerful than you realize. Paul makes the significance clear in Romans 5 & I try to do my best to express it in this lesson.

Sit back, relax and feast your ears on what God has to say in Romans 5...and be sure you hang on 'til the very end to hear how you can break free once and for all.

The Power of Christ's Sacrifice - Romans 5

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Brooke & Anthony In The Christmas Play...

Each year our church puts on a play starring all of the children.

Each year Leslie & I do the "bluthering parents who sit in the front and video tape their kids as if they were Hollywood movie stars" thing...and yes, we did it again this year.

Hey, they're only young once!

-Brooke plays an angel-

-Anthony plays a sheep!-

Sawyer's Mill Ministry Continues To Grow - Julian & Latoya Cathcart's Baptisms

God has been moving powerfully in a Chesapeake neighborhood called Sawyer's Mill.

Just 2 years ago there were 6 disciples there (Ricky & Roxanne Shilo, Lavelle & Imogen Perkins, Kim Willis, & Thelma Hainline).

About a year & a half ago, Thelma's husband (Bob) got baptized after Thelma being in the church for many years.

Then later on in 2007, a neighbor of Lavelle & Imogen Perkins got baptized (Sheila Holas).

This past summer, God rewarded the faith of Kim Willis and her husband (Patrick) got baptized!

If that wasn't enough, tonight we saw friends of the Hainline's (Julian & Latoya Cathcart) get baptized.

With Sheila Holas and her husband moving out of Sawyer's Mill, this small neighborhood ministry has grown from 6 to 10 disciples in about 20 months!

Congratulations Julian & Latoya...(watch their baptisms below)

Repentance Bears Fruit - Ken Ward's Baptism

Dwaine Lett was recently restored to the church after making some tough decisions and repenting in a relationship he had.

Not only did his ex-fiance get baptized about 3 weeks ago (see Julita's baptism video below); but here's a co-worker of his getting baptized today!

True repentance really does bear fruit! Congratulations Ken.

Faith The Facts - Romans 4

"Now faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see." Heb 11:1

When you've earned the nickname the "Father of Faith", that's saying something!

Abraham earned that name from the way he perceived the obvious facts of his life vs. the promises God had made to him. When faced with insurmountable 'facts', Abraham applied FAITH in the word of God.

He actually 'faithed' his facts!

How do you respond to the 'facts' in your life? With discouragement? Disappointment? Despair?

Hopefully not. Listen to this lesson and learn from the "Father of Faith" how to 'faith' your facts.

Faith The Facts - Romans 4

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Do You "Get" Grace? - Romans 3b

The concept of grace is one I wrestled with for the first few years of being a Christian. I always felt like the topic was so vast and 'fuzzy' that it couldn't really be understood -- I just didn't 'get' it.

Maybe you feel the same way.

If so, listen to this lesson to finally understand grace.

WARNING: The stunning simplicity may shock you!

Do You "Get" Grace? - Romans 3b

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Biblical Mindset On Dating

Here's the lesson Leslie & I did together at the ACR Conference on dating.

This lesson is for any non-married Christian who is not currently steady dating.

We got tremendous feedback on it & if I were you, I'd skip right over the part where Leslie tells all about the blunders I made while we were dating! :-)

Biblical Mindset On Dating

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Family Devotional: "Don't Give In To Peer Pressure"

Our family devotionals are always a fun way to start the week. We try to be as creative as we possibly can without getting too complex.

Brooke & Anthony had a great time playing Samson & Delilah while learning not to give in to peer pressure. Check it out!

Christians On The Inside - Romans 3a

Does it matter if you look like a Christian on the outside, but really aren't one on the inside? The answer is obvious and Paul dealt with the same issue with the Jews who had become Christians in the church in Rome.

In this lesson we finish Romans 2 and begin Romans 3. Listen in on how you can deal with this issue in your own life.

Romans 3a

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New Series on Romans

You've spoken, & I've listened!

According to the poll I had set up here on this site, many of you said you'd like to have a series on the book of Romans. As challenging as it's been to study, research, and understand this letter - it's been an absolutely refreshing study!

Unfortunately, my digital recorder was on the blink during the first lesson, so that one's gone forever. But everything was in proper working order for this second lesson.

I pray that you are as encouraged by Paul's words to the Roman church as I have been.


Romans 2

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Baptisms at the ACR Conference!

This year's Conference was a HUGE success. Over 2,000 people attended the Sunday service at the Virginia Beach Convention Center.

...and it couldn't have ended any better. 5 souls were baptized into Christ. All 5 have amazing stories of God working in their lives. And if a picture is worth a 1,000 words, then how many words is a video worth? Check out these incredible baptisms...

Carmen Spearman has been studying the Bible with her sister Mercedes over the last couple of months. Mercedes has a great heart & was baptized this Sunday!

Allan Abeleda met a guy with a giant dog in the park not too long ago who really wanted to get his life right w/ God. James, and his wife Ashley ended up studying the Bible with zeal and eagerness to change. We were so excited to see them baptized into Christ on Sunday!

One of my good friends Dwaine Lett recently ended an engagement in order to be restored to the church. Because of his faithful decision making, his ex-fiance became his sister in Christ this weekend at the Conference!

Crazy Kids On Halloween...

Ever heard of Cowboys vs. Indians? Well how about
Ninja vs. Cowboy?

Just when you thought you had seen it all, watch
Brooke & Anthony duke it out in their costumes.

Congratulations Tom!

Tom Wilde just got baptized last Thursday evening!

Be sure you get the chance to meet him when you
see him. He's got an incredibly humble heart for

Tom has a sister named Maxine in the LA Church. Maxine
is the mother-in-law of Bruce Williams who is the
Lead Evangelist in the LA Church.

Tom also has Lou Gehrig's disease (or ALS), so there may
be times you don't see him at church. But if he's
not there physically, know that he's with us in spirit!

Congratulations Tom.

We've Been Transformed...Now What?

It's been a great month of transformation!

This last sermon in our series focuses in on
what we can expect going into the future now that
God has changed parts of our hearts and characters.

Hint: It ain't a downhill ride!

Living The Light

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Where Are YOU In The Story? (Lazarus Life Fall Campaign)

This month we're beginning our Fall Campaign based on the book "The Lazarus Life" by Stephen W. Smith.

The campaign is all about spiritual and evangelistic transformation in our lives and should be a time for all of us to get "revived"!

If you want to follow along with us, here's the documents to get you started...

Lazarus Life Campaign Handout

Lazarus Life Bible Talk Lessons

Lazarus Life Study Guide

Short (but powerful!) book on fasting...

If you missed our midweek service where it was all explained, then you can hear the introduction here:

Lazarus Life Fall Campaign Introduction (~6 min.)

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Here's the first devotional lesson. It will challenge you to put yourself in the story of Lazarus, choose who you are most like, and be transformed by the power of God.

Where Are You In The Story? (Jn 11)- Wk 1

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Leslie & I were out of town for Week 2 & Joe Strange did that lesson. But listen to this one from Week 3 about dealing with the "bad odor" of sin in our lives.

There's a quick rundown of our trip to London and the Ukraine in the beginning too (if you're interested).

Dealing With The Bad Odor - Wk 3

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Last week we focused on exposing our lives and getting help. This week we take a look at 4 biblical tips on how to be a good "helper" and remove the transformation bandages.

Help Me Yank Off The Bandages - Wk 4

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The last week of our campaign ends with what our focus needs to be if
we're going to live a "Lifetime of Transformation". Too bad we didn't
record all the personal sharing that happened right before this message.

God has done an amazing work this month in the lives of our members!

A Lifetime Of Transformation - Wk 5

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Even MORE Dating Advice For Singles...

Here's a 2-part series by Jim & Theresa Brown on dating.

This one is geared for Christians who are NOT in a
steady dating relationship yet.

If you're single, soak this stuff up! The principles
are timeless and will save you SO much time, trouble, and

Single Dating Pt. 1

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Single Dating Pt. 2

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Dating Advice For Singles

I was digging through a box of old stuff in our garage and came
across this old, dusty tape set from 1994 on Successful Steady

It's a 4 week series by Bob Tranchell (former GSL) and he gives
some golden nuggets when it comes to having a godly dating

This is geared toward couples who are ALREADY dating steady,
not Singles going out on general encouragement dates.

These files have been recorded an uploaded with permission
from DPI Publications.


Successful Steady Dating (Tape 1, Side 1)

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Successful Steady Dating (Tape 1, Side 2)

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Successful Steady Dating (Tape 2, Side 1)

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Successful Steady Dating (Tape 2, Side 2)

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Successful Steady Dating (Tape 3, Side 1)

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Successful Steady Dating (Tape 4, Side 1)

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Successful Steady Dating (Tape 4, Side 2)

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Seeing, Hearing, Understanding (Acts 28)

Well...this is the last lesson from the book of Acts!

I pray that it's been an encouraging and inspiring journey.

In this last lesson, we talk about spiritual sight, hearing, and understanding...

And how SIN prevents us from using these senses the way God intended.

Acts 28 - Seeing, Hearing, Understanding...

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ACR Talent Show, Here We Come!

Today was Anthony's 5th birthday & part of the celebration was a dance contest @ Cookie & Jose's place.

What do you think? Should I enter them into the talent show at the Conference?

Shoulda Listened To Advice...(Acts 27)

Have you ever made a big decision in your life against good
advice from someone else, and it backfired?

Isn't that a sinking feeling?

Why is it important to seek (and listen) to advice?

Who should you seek advice from?

What critical areas in your life should you be
getting advice in?

Find out all this and more in this midweek lesson.

Acts 27 - Shoulda Listened To Advice...

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3 Trials (Acts 24,25,26)

As Paul was on his way to Rome to stand trial before Caesar,
he went on trial 3 times in defense of his faith.

Once before Felix, once before Festus, and once before King

Didn't have time to preach the lessons learned from all
3, but you can still listen and hear why Felix was frightened
and Festus was freaked out about the message of Jesus.

Acts 23 - Three Trials

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Hypocritical Hypocrites (Acts 23)

Jesus reserved some of his strongest words for the hypocritical

What's a hypocrite? Well, the root words actually mean "stage actor"!

Isn't that exactly what a hypocrite does? Talks one way, but *acts*

Is there hypocrisy in your life? Check out this lesson and check your

Acts 23 - Hypocritical Hypocrites

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Oppressed, But Not Destroyed (2 Kings 8)

You've probably never thought you could learn lessons
from the Aramean king - Hazael.

The Aramean's had control over Israel while they struggled
with their sin of idolatry.

This lesson was a Sunday Sermon at the Hampton Roads Church
and draws out lessons we can learn from Hazael's reign, and
Israel's sin.

2 Kings 8 - Oppressed, But Not Destroyed

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Fun On The Blue Cyclone Thingy...

This was a blast...

I've never heard kids scream so loud!

Cirque de China & Fishin' in Gatlinburg...

There's a show in Gatlinburg called Cirque de China. They said it's straight off the Vegas Strip! Of course, I couldn't video tape inside the show...so here's what went on before and after (just as entertaining!)

I've always planned on taking the kids fishing. Fortunately, our resort hosted a free kids fishing trip.

They really liked it.

Did we catch anything? Watch the video and see...

Are You Right, Or Righteous? (Acts 21)

You know, in America we work very hard to defend our "rights".

I'm amazed at times I've watched judge shows (Judge Judy, Judge Joe Brown, etc.) and seen 2 people fly across the country to be on national television over a $150 cell phone bill.

What a shame.

And you know what they always say? "It's not the money, it's the principle..."

I believe God would call this ultra-defense of individuality and "rights" not the principle, but the pride!

Tonight's lesson will challenge you to think about whether you strive for America's values of being right, or God's values of being righteous.

BUT, if I were you I'd read up on the Nazirite vow in Numbers 6 first. That will really help you to understand Paul's humility and his pursuit of righteousness over being right.

Acts 21 - Are You Right, Or Righteous?

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On The Way To Jerusalem...(Acts 20)

Paul stopped at many cities on his way back to Jerusalem during his 3rd missionary journey.

Two of them were Troas and Miletus. In both cities Paul gave his full heart.

We learn a lesson from each city and finish with a very practical challenge.

Listen to the lesson and take the challenge at the end!

Acts 20 - On The Way To Jerusalem...

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Do You Think Like A Pagan? (2 Kings 3)

The pagan cultures in the ancient world (Ammonites, Moabites, Canaanites, etc.) thought the "gods" were against them whenever anything went wrong.

In 2 Kings 3 we find an Israelite king thinking the same way!

But don't be too quick to judge...do YOU think this way as well? Listen to this lesson to find out and see how God wants us to think.

2 Kings 3 - Do You Think Like A Pagan?

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Demons & Riots (Acts 19b)

Have you ever been "beat down" spiritually? You know, whenever you try to do something right, it just ends up all wrong?

Well, there's a reason for that. 7 Jewish exorcists found out about it in a most embarrassing way.

What did they learn? Well...you gotta listen to the lesson!

Acts 19b - Demons & Riots

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Congrats Raylor!

Raylor Graves was baptized into our Singles Ministry this Wednesday.

He's an awesome brother...get to know him!

John's Baptism (Acts 19a)

Have you ever wondered what John's Baptism was all about? Or, how about Apollos and whether or not he was rebaptized after he was "taught more adequately" by Priscilla & Aquila?

Check out this latest lesson from Acts 19 and draw your own conclusions...

Acts 19 - John's Baptism

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The Incident At Naboth's Vineyard (1 Kings 21)

King Ahab had 4 major confrontations with God's prophets.

In this Sunday sermon, we take a look at the 3rd confrontation with Elijah in Naboth's Vineyard.

If you struggle with envy, timidity, fear of God's discipline, or if it's hard for you to accept God's mercy -- then this message is for you.

1 Kings 21 - The Incident At Naboth's Vineyard

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Are You M.I.A.?? (Acts 18)

M.I.A. = Married In Action

Priscilla & Aquila are the model married couple in the New Testament.

Listen to this midweek lesson, compare your marriage to theirs, and
see if you're M.I.A.


Acts 18 - Marrieds In Action

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The Angels In Heaven Rejoice...

Just recently, myself and a couple other brothers had the honor of studying the Bible with Kim Willis' husband, Patrick.

Kim has been in the church for 8 years and was overjoyed to see her husband baptized into Christ.

Click "Play" and check it out! ---Congrats Patrick!

Is Your Calculator Clear? (Acts 17)

Huh?...the Apostle Paul was on top of his game mentally.

He got kicked out of city after city while preaching the gospel.

How did he do it? How did he stay focused on the mission
despite tremendous adversity?

More importantly, how can WE stay focused on God's will despite
adversity? The answer is in this lesson and has something
to do with a simple calculator...

Acts 17 - Is Your Calculator Clear?

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Prison Break (Acts16b)

It seems like God is a pro at breaking his servants out of prison when necessary.

Doors swing open. Chains come loose. Captives are freed.

In Acts 16 however, we find prisoners who were released but didn't escape!

Why not? Well, you gotta listen to the lesson!

Acts 16b - Prison Break

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A Mother's Faith (Acts 16)

If you're a mom (or dad), how much of an impact will your faith make on your children?

If you were the young Timothy, you'd say "a lot!"

Everyone who hopes to raise their children in the faith needs to listen to this lesson about how our faith is passed on...

Acts 16 - A Mother's Faith

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The Biggest Problem In The 1st Century Church (Acts 15)

Controversy between the Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians was the biggest challenge facing the early church.

Listen in on this lesson from Acts 15 and learn how this problem can actually be of benefit to us!

Acts 15 - The Biggest Problem In The 1st Century Church

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From Worldliness To Holiness

Do you struggle with worldliness?

Abraham's nephew Lot did, and he ruined his family because of it.

Listen to this lesson originally put together for our campus
students and learn 5 insights from Lot's life that will help
us move from worldliness to holiness.

Gen 19 - From Worldliness To Holiness

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Daddy's Little Girl

There's few things that touch a Dad's heart like his daughter.

I'm fortunate enough to have both a son and a daughter, and don't get me wrong...I LOVE my son -- but a daughter touches a dad's heart in a way that can't be compared.

Last week our church had a Father/Daughter Dance and I had the honor of taking Brooke. We had a great time even though she fell asleep in the car on the way over!

In a world where women are willing to do almost anything to have a man's attention (just turn on your TV), it was so inspiring to see a completely packed event with fathers who cared so much about their daughters.

These types of relationships are sorely missing from our society, but fortunately can be found in abundance in the church.

Here's some pics of the event, including our Limbo contest winner: Ed Spearman!

Paul's First Missionary Journey (Acts 13 & 14)

The challenge that God has given us to spread the gospel is a challenging task.

The Apostle Paul and his traveling companion Barnabas learned that 1st hand as
they traveled and preached to the Gentiles.

This lesson was broken into 2 parts, but the battery on my recorder died
about 5 min into the 2nd lesson...so now - it's a 1 part lesson!

Sorry about that.

Here's Acts 13 (Acts 14 is gone forever)

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Intercessory Prayer & Humility (Acts 12)

Romans 8 says that Christ is interceding on our behalf before the Father.

What exactly does that mean, and are we called to intercede for others?

Listen to this meaty midweek sermon from Acts 12 to be inspired in
prayer and also learn an important lesson from Herod about humility.

Intercessory Prayer & Humility (Acts 12)

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Money & Pain (Mk 14)

In our extravagant American society, money can be a blessing or a curse depending on how we view it.

It has the power to advance the gospel if we're generous, or the ability to separate us from God if we let it.

Have you ever thought about what could possibly entice Judas enough to betray the Son of God? In this sermon, this question is answered with a warning we can all learn from about the power of money in our lives.

Money & Pain (Mk 14)

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10 Lessons We Can Learn From The Church In Antioch (Acts 11)

The church in Antioch was the hub of Christian activity in the 1st Century and served as the launching pad for the Apostle Paul's missionary journeys.

What can we learn from this church to apply in our lives today?

Listen to:

10 Lessons We Can Learn From The Church In Antioch

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What exactly IS a woman's role in ministry anyway?

Mike & Terri Fontenot recently taught a class at MTP here in Hampton Roads on women's roles in the ministry.

It was so good, I'm posting the video here for everyone to watch.

If you're a sister and ever wondered how you should view your role in the church, this one's a "must see".

**Watch Out! You might want to turn down your speakers a little. The audio is VERY loud.

Women In Ministry - MTP Spring '08 - Mike & Terri Fontenot

Ready to do the Welcome or Communion?

One of my responsibilities in the church is to coordinate our Sunday morning worship services.

A big part of this is choosing different brothers and sisters to welcome everyone at the beginning of the service and also to lead our hearts and thoughts in the Communion.

Each week as I ask people to serve in this way, the responses range from "Sure!", to "I've never done it before", to "I'm too scared to talk on stage", to "I'm not ready yet".

Doing the Welcome or Communion is an excellent way to serve the church, and any fears can be overcome.

If you've ever wanted some helpful tips on how to do the Welcome or the Communion, then listen to this recorded telephone conversation between Corey Stuck and myself.

We take about 20 minutes to talk about some helpful guidelines.

How To Do The Welcome And Communion

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Oops!! You're gonna shoot me for this... (Part 2 just added!)

This past Wednesday night I did Part 1 of a 2-part series on miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit. I know there's a lot of questions and confusion about this stuff, so I went in to scripture-by-scripture detail so that everyone would understand.

The only problem is that I kind of got excited at a certain point in the lesson and pounded the podium. Well...the recorder was on the podium and fell on the floor.

As a result, about 15 minutes of the lesson was lost.

I was able to salvage most of the lesson, but it had to be broken into 2 parts
(A & B), so here they are. Sorry! fire away...

**Just added all of Part 2 (scroll down)

Miraculous Gifts Of The Holy Spirit (Part 1A)

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Miraculous Gifts Of The Holy Spirit (Part 1B)

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Miraculous Gifts Of The Holy Spirit (Part 2 - the whole thing!)

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Single? Here's "Four Golden Nuggets" To Help You Live A Better Life As A Christian

The Singles Ministry here in Hampton Roads recently asked if I would share some thoughts from my own life in the Singles.

Being that I was converted in the Singles, I was happy to pull out what I thought were the 4 most important things to focus on as a Single.

WARNING: Some of the blunders and failures I share from my own life may shock you!

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Good Times With My Son...

I took Anthony camping for the 1st time at the Father/Son
Campout this year. We had a fantastic time together.

I think his favorite part was the food (...but isn't that
always his favorite part?)

4 Odd Conversions (Acts 10)

Do you allow God to lead you in your life's decisions?

Letting God lead us (rather than the other way around) results in saved souls!

Check out this lesson as we continue in Acts on 2 people who let God lead them -- and what God did as a result.

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Whatever You Ask For (Pray For Workers Campaign Midweek)

What does Jesus expect of your life?

This last lesson of the campaign reveals exactly what He's looking for when he looks at the "tree" of our lives.

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Why Won't You Answer? (Pray For Workers Campaign - Charlottesville, VA Sunday Sermon)

Is it possible for Jesus, the Son of God NOT to have his prayers answered?

Believe it or not, there was a request that Jesus made of God that wasn't granted.

This sermon was recorded in Charlottesville, Va and reveals 7 biblical reasons why God doesn't grant our requests in prayer -- PLUS the reason why Jesus didn't get what he prayed for.

Listen. Learn. Be encouraged!

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Give Thanks To The Lord (Pray For Workers Campaign Midweek)

What can a leper teach us when it comes to thanking God?

Learn the difference between 'gratititude' and 'giving thanks' in this short midweek lesson.

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"Lost" Sermons From The Cincinnati Church of Christ

Check out a couple "lost" sermons of mine I dug up.

They're Sunday sermons from Cincinnati on being set apart for God. Got a lot of good feedback on these in Cincy, hope you enjoy them as well.

"Set Apart" - Cincinnati, OH (2005)

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"Set Apart In Our View Of The Kingdom Of God" - Cincinnati, OH (2005)

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"Lord, Teach Us To Pray" (Pray For Workers Sunday Sermon)

What nuggets can we glean from the prayer life of the prophet Elijah?

After all, James says he was a man just like us. Surely there's some qualities that we can imitate and apply to our own prayer lives.

Listen in, take notes, and join us on this journey into
1 Kings.

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Praise The Lord, O My Soul (Pray For Workers Campaign Midweek)

What's the main focus of your prayers? You or the Lord?

In this brief lesson (I think it's only 10 min) we learn about the ACTS model of prayer and cover the 1st part of it - Adoration.

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How To Help Someone Become A Christian (GTG Series - Church (II) & Count The Cost - 2/27/08)

Tonight Jimmy finishes his study on the Church and is hindered by his wife Jenny.

Will he make it, or not? How do you deal with the disappointment when someone you care for doesn't become a Christian?

Find out tonight in this final Guard The Gospel lesson...

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How To Help Someone Become A Christian (GTG Series - Church (I) - 2/20/08)

Tonight we kick off our Spring campaign: Pray For Workers
Find out how this campaign will be different from, and call you higher than American Idols.

And of course, Jimmy...well, his wife Jenny studied last week and it didn't seem to go too well.

As Jimmy studies the Church tonight, he gets answers to some very important questions like...

How do you tell who's lost and who's saved? Is there really just 1 church? Why are there so many denominations?

Find out for yourself in Part 1 of Jimmy's Church study.

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Are You Praying For The Right Thing? (Lk 10:1-24) - Hampton Roads Churchwide Leader's Mtg

What do you pray for when evangelizing? Jesus says to "Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest field."

This lesson was given to the Hampton Roads Church Bible Talk Leaders on 2/17/08 to kick-off the Spring '08 Evangelism Campaign: Pray For Workers

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How To Help Someone Become A Christian (GTG Series - Baptism - 2/13/08)

Jimmy does a straight-forward study on Baptism & the Plan of Salvation tonight. He learned what baptism is (biblically) and the 3 things that happen at baptism.

Do you know what they are? Listen in to find out.

**Bonus material! Responses to the most common objections to baptism from the religious...

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How To Help Someone Become A Christian (GTG Series - Repentance - 2/6/08)

Do you know what it means to 'repent'? It's much more than feeling sorry or apologizing...

Tonight Jimmy finds out the biblical definition of repentance and answers some tough questions about his life.

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How To Help Someone Become A Christian (GTG Series - Cross - 1/30/08)

1Pet 2:2 encourages us to "grow up in our salvation". Tonight we make an exciting announcement to help our young Christians do just that.

Our friend Jimmy also continues to grow in his faith as he continues his bible studies and learns how Jesus' death on the cross affects his life.

Listen in to hear whether or not he made it to church this past Sunday!

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How To Help Someone Become A Christian (GTG Series - Sin - 1/23/08)

Jimmy didn't make it to church again this past Sunday and before we start the Sin study, he's asked to decide who he wants to follow.

Listen in to hear how his study goes this week and whether or not he wants to continue...

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Can Jesus Change YOU? (Acts 9:1-31, 1/13/08)

As we begin 2008, we all want to change in some way. Saul had a life-changing encounter with Jesus and in this lesson we cover 3 ways that Jesus changed him.

By taking these 3 lessons to heart, you'll also find that Jesus can change you too in 2008.

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How To Help Someone Become A Christian (GTG Series - Discipleship - 1/16/08)

Jimmy did the Discipleship study tonight and it went well. He was definitely shocked at the high call Jesus has for his life, but he responded well and wants to go for it!

Listen in and grab some pointers...they'll help you as you study the bible with others.

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How To Help Someone Become A Christian (GTG Series - The Word Of God - 1/09/08)

Jesus has called all of us to BE disciples, and to MAKE disciples of all nations (Matt 28:18-20).

But HOW do we do that? How do we share the gospel with other people and help them to have a relationship with God through his son Jesus Christ?

Beginning with this lesson (and for the next 7 weeks) we'll teach step-by-step how to do just that.

Even after listening to just this first lesson, you'll be equipped to begin studying the bible with someone and putting your faith into action.

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Will Your Married Bible Talk "Take The Land"?

After Joshua's initial advance into the promised land, Israel was far from finished. They were expected to divide the territory by tribe and continue to take the land God had given them.

In our movement, the initial advance is also complete, but there is still much work to be done.

This lesson exposes 4 failure's in Israel's history that we can learn from and not repeat as we lead married Bible Talks. Leslie joins me in the last 15 minutes to discuss practical things you can do as a Bible Talk Leader to grow your ministry...

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"Pinger" is a great way to implement one of the practicals in this lesson.

How To Have A Powerful Time With The Lord (Acts 8:26-40)

Ever wondered how to structure your daily times with God?

Listen to this lesson from Acts 8 about the Ethiopian eunuch to hear how I approach my times with the Lord.

If you're an older Christian, you may pick up a nugget or two -- if you're a new Christian, this is a **must listen**!

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The Best Things In Life Are Free(Acts 8:4-25)

Just one simple point tonight to cap off 2007: The Best Things In Life Are Free...(and some more teaching about the Holy Spirit/laying on of hands, etc!)

Happy New Year!

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The Word Became Flesh - Christmas Message (12-23-07)

Christmas '07 lesson for the Hampton Roads Church Sunday service at Bayside HS.

Why exactly do we celebrate Christmas? Where did it come from? Is is biblically mandated that we celebrate, or is it simply a tradition?

As we come into the Christmas holiday season, it's important that we know the answers to these questions to be able to 'worship in Spirit and truth'.

John 1:1-18 tells us that the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. Isn't that what the Christmas holiday is really supposed to be about?

This lesson reveals 4 encouraging benefits we have as Christians as a result of the Word becoming flesh. We should be mindful of these as we celebrate Christmas this year.

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Acts 7 Midweek Lesson (12-19-07)

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Are You Ready To Suffer For The Name? (Acts 5)

Jesus' ministry was filled with ups and plenty of downs. In fact, suffering is an identifying mark of His ministry -- and should be of ours as well.

Strap yourself in, brace yourself, and get ready to make some decisions as we look at Acts 5 tonight...

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