
The Incident At Naboth's Vineyard (1 Kings 21)

King Ahab had 4 major confrontations with God's prophets.

In this Sunday sermon, we take a look at the 3rd confrontation with Elijah in Naboth's Vineyard.

If you struggle with envy, timidity, fear of God's discipline, or if it's hard for you to accept God's mercy -- then this message is for you.

1 Kings 21 - The Incident At Naboth's Vineyard

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Are You M.I.A.?? (Acts 18)

M.I.A. = Married In Action

Priscilla & Aquila are the model married couple in the New Testament.

Listen to this midweek lesson, compare your marriage to theirs, and
see if you're M.I.A.


Acts 18 - Marrieds In Action

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The Angels In Heaven Rejoice...

Just recently, myself and a couple other brothers had the honor of studying the Bible with Kim Willis' husband, Patrick.

Kim has been in the church for 8 years and was overjoyed to see her husband baptized into Christ.

Click "Play" and check it out! ---Congrats Patrick!

Is Your Calculator Clear? (Acts 17)

Huh?...the Apostle Paul was on top of his game mentally.

He got kicked out of city after city while preaching the gospel.

How did he do it? How did he stay focused on the mission
despite tremendous adversity?

More importantly, how can WE stay focused on God's will despite
adversity? The answer is in this lesson and has something
to do with a simple calculator...

Acts 17 - Is Your Calculator Clear?

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Prison Break (Acts16b)

It seems like God is a pro at breaking his servants out of prison when necessary.

Doors swing open. Chains come loose. Captives are freed.

In Acts 16 however, we find prisoners who were released but didn't escape!

Why not? Well, you gotta listen to the lesson!

Acts 16b - Prison Break

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A Mother's Faith (Acts 16)

If you're a mom (or dad), how much of an impact will your faith make on your children?

If you were the young Timothy, you'd say "a lot!"

Everyone who hopes to raise their children in the faith needs to listen to this lesson about how our faith is passed on...

Acts 16 - A Mother's Faith

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